How to see actual samples of trophies before you buy…

If you are a league purchaser or have a Tower Trophies Triple Zero Account you can order up to 10 different samples of awards so that you can actually examine them or present them to your committee before committing to an actual order.

We will deliver the samples to your home address, or your nearest Post Office if it’s more convenient, and when you’ve finished with them you simply pack them up in their original packaging and drop them off at the Post Office using the pre-paid address label supplied by us.

If you are available throughout the day we can even arrange to collect them from your home or business address.

To order your samples simply add them to the cart in the normal way and check out using the Direct Payment option. Put your Triple Zero Account unique number in the ‘other information’ box and we’ll rush them to you in time for your meeting.

No charge is made for this service and there is no obligation to buy however it is only available to pre-approved Triple Zero Account holders.

How to Pay Direct to our Bank using Fast Pay

With effect from the 1st April 2020 we will no longer be accepting cheques. Most of our customers now have have a bank account from which they can make a Direct Bank Transfer . (often called Fast Pay)

As an additional incentive for your club or league to adapt the direct payment method, in place of cheques, we are offering an additional discount of 1% of the order . This will be a limited offer whilst the transition takes place. You can of course continue to use all other methods of payment. Credit Cards, Debit Cards or PayPal when you check out

To use Fast Pay simply choose Pay Direct at the checkout and make a direct payment to our Bank using your order number as a Payment Reference. We will send you a reminder email with our Bank details included.

If this changed situation is likely to cause you any problem please let us know and we will ease you through it.